I am Dawn Humo and a graphic designer. This website includes my products and other personal information (mostly design products). Besides, my experience in other areas I also mentioned on this website. I am looking for a job which suits almost the skills I have.
You may be an employer or simply an individual looking for something interesting. To get the exact information you are looking for, see the search instructions below.
How to use this website?
Step 1: Get to know me
You may find most of my information on "my blog" and "about me" pages. In My blog, I post articles that raise my personal views. In About me, there was a letter I sent to the reader and My gallery section.
Hire me! Hire me! Hire me! Something important must be said three times. Just kidding ... If you are an employer, please see my resume and portfolio through pages of the same name. If it is given the opportunity, let's work together.
Step 2: For head-hunter
Step 3: Contact me!!!
Whether you are an employer or an individual who is interested in the information I post, please contact me to know more better about each other.